e a m harris

Roaming the byways of literature

For the love of haiku – nowaki

Again Chevrefeuille has posted a fascinating challenge on Carpe Diem.

The nowaki is a kind of windstorm. The name means ‘field dividing wind’ and describes they way it forms a path through fields of crops.

The following is my haiku on this destructive wind.

The nowaki roars;
paths of flattened stalks appear;
silence follows.

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14 thoughts on “For the love of haiku – nowaki

  1. In this instance, the calm comes after the storm; wonderfully written!


  2. It is a baiting piece.


  3. Quite a lot of destructiveness in that wind


  4. Wonderfully composed haiku. Thanks.


  5. After such a roar, the silence can be deafening!

    Howling Autumn Wind


  6. 4joyjoanne on said:

    the silence is so loud after a storm…


  7. magicalmysticalteacher on said:

    I’ve seen that kind of devastation after tornadoes in the Midwest when I was a young child. It’s frightening!

    After the Windstorm


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