e a m harris

Roaming the byways of literature

Influential blogs

At the end of last year I was nominated as an Influential Blogger by Silently Heard Once. I was amazed – I’ve never thought of myself as influential. And also honoured: her blog is wonderful and full of variety – anyone who hasn’t visited it should go and get a load of inspiration.

The ‘Rules’ as listed on her blog are:

There are no rules for this award except you must pay it forward, and that means, sometime in the next 6 months, you ‘should’ choose the blogs you deem worthy of your label of The Most Influential Blog Of 2012, to you. That’s it. Only rule.

So now I must pay it forward, by listing some of the blogs that have influenced me. I emphasise ‘some’ because every blog is influential in its own unique way and I’ve learned from all the ones I’ve seen.

‘Influence’ is an intangible thing, so below is a list of blogs that have affected me in different ways that I won’t attempt to describe.

All about lemon

Carpe diem

Colours and Words Waltz

Love at First Book


The ObamaCrat


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16 thoughts on “Influential blogs

  1. Pingback: Tooth Of The Day – allaboutlemon-All Around, In, And Out Of My Own Universe

  2. congratulations! i am truly, truly honoured my dear friend. thanks!


  3. Congratulation dear. You deserved it 🙂 Enjoy and thanks for the nomination too 🙂 xoxo


  4. You do inspire with your talents. You are very welcome.


  5. Obomacrat passed this award on to me so I decided to see where he got it and I am glad I did. I am enjoying cruising through your blog.


  6. Pingback: Paying Forward The 2013 Most Influential Blogs « The ObamaCrat.Com™

  7. Thank you so much! I enjoy your blog just as well!!! 🙂


  8. Jueseppi B. on said:

    Congratulations!! Well deserved. 😎


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